Gossip Show Blogger Template

Gossip Show is a 3 column theme created by Chica Blogger. Its a clean blogger template with featured content slider, social media icons, summarised posts on home page and 3 column footer. The white, pink and blue colour scheme makes this blogger template suitable for celebrity, lifestyle, gossip or feminine blog.
Gossip Show Blogger Template
Firstly, you can upload your logo from Layout, then click on edit in 'header' section, upload your logo and save, ensure the logo size is 450px × 100px. Below the header is the single menu bar where you can add pages, categories etc. Go to Layout, click on edit 'Second Menu', add the links and save. Social media icons can be displayed on the extreme right of the menu bar, add your social account links in Edit Html, click on 'Expand widget templates' and search for the below code. Replace '#' with your facebook, twitter and RSS links.
<div id='social'> <a href='#'> <img alt='Twitter' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhpd18AdopJdCCcG2FoOWLkVHskQiCt1klzNMaoKlto64f7-PzxdzH6IQsQ_yScJDQhV2xiPUMReP3Ri15OvdshefwnS0V3QL3YRy-X-h0LnngusPHrXRbw9AwbO_26vyqpB_X9W89e6jzC/s1600/twitter.png' title='Twitter'/></a> <a href='#'> <img alt='Feed' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhGz3NHK1UshCbqqzCBe99TdWGW0FDK6ca7TgqA3NyleJjDI0XVZCk_0fWLJr4x9ntS669Bx8A6DDIrdX2-gv6zW0aSyxKpXQR_gvnpGjFGhNHdo_dUOpidivhbWNuszIxC6qk84h6e72L5/s1600/rss.png' title='RSS'/></a> <a href='#'> <img alt='Facebook' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhCnVGlRx6aH9DNu_H8bRPlxjFtAzhmAdFUzza52JvXnbDlE9wVx2vowSNLIikMAeaQ4xWr8YolC00xp6GY4nc2TqTMTcO_X3mldXWMO0OJnxBABvH874aUQ3tQpqnqgdGE1mL5VIKHRJ1g/s1600/facebook.png' title='Facebook'/></a> </div>
Coming to the slider, in Edit Html find the below code -
<div id='slider-container'> <div id='slider'> <a href='#' title='Introducing Blogger Theme'> <img alt='' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEibkJrDOC8SynwwFcFDaEPr2CpDE-3FnM_TtKkIIGXxo0ozTlCQu4JO5SoFziR9z4-dUrkHgqKRnwcdtvsdJjDkXv67C86B0SAMZz-G2ACSSZ2z6xkX0qqYZ5uysURZhID-Xj8VKXOUlmSC/s1600/1.jpg' title='Introducing Blogger Theme'/> </a> <a href='#' title='Another image in a post'> <img alt='' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhHJhrDEZt1dEDkF06cUmU-_rCLcHqDqs47Rpfs_jhni1rDVz00GHjsUthf-eujPXzpUtkv8VZrJomL7s9909iqX3PEVs5TABQ0e5jFSKEl4D8TzXtteV0eOYBgnARykwEJke2mNjpxDnW0/s1600/2.jpg' title='Another image in a post'/> </a>
Now replace '#' with post url, add the post title, image url and alt text, follow the same steps for rest of the slides, and save the changes. Keep the image size 600x x 300px for the slider to show properly. In the main columns each post shows up in a brief format with thumbnails, labels and comments. The single sidebar on the right and the footer can be used to display different blogger widgets. Download the Gossip Show Blogger Template