Pinterest Inspired Synonyms Activity

So, I have been seeing this idea on Pinterest a lot lately and I have been trying to think how it could be used in my therapy room.  Have you seen it?? A dollar store photo album used as a dry erase book for math flash cards?  Well I have thought of several ways to use it! 

You can take your Super Duper Fun Decks and make them as a writing activity for cloze sentences.  Students can have competitions who can get the most correct and then they can swap books since you would put different cards in each book.

I have numerous students working on synonyms.  We have been reviewing them all year and I wanted a fun way to review and collect data.  I created my own cards/cloze sentences and placed them into the photo albums.  Then I took out my Timer App and made it a timed competition!  My students loved it!  They each had a book with the same sentences.  They each had a marker and mini eraser.  Once the timer ran out, I collected all books and reviewed the answers.  We went over correct and incorrect responses.  I provided the students choices of those incorrect answers to determine if they could identify when choices were provided. 

Have you tried using this idea in your speech rooms?  How did you do it?  Feel free to share!!!