Butterfly Clothespin Comprehension Fun

To keep with the butterfly theme I wanted to share another quick and easy activity to put together.  I am not going to lie, I really wanted another activity to do with my clothespins! 

I printed a copy of each butterfly 1-6 for each student, I have at most 5 in my groups so I made 5.  Then I attached them to a binder ring to keep them together. 

Students were prompted to be on the correct butterfly (following directions!) and had to listen to the description of a sentence I provided in order to place the clothespin on the accurate picture. 

My students had so much fun listening and using key words to find the correct picture.  To make this activity even more fun, I let them chose a game (Jenga or Chutes and Ladders) to use with it as a reinforer.

I purposely made each butterfly with 2 girl pictures and 2 boy pictures.  The children are doing the same or similar activities.  Some examples of sentences I said to them were:
-"Find the girl playing baseball that is wearing red."
-"Find the girl that is painting that has brown hair."

For higher students, you can give them harder clues like this girl is holding something that is wooden and is used in a sport.

How can you use this activity in your speech rooms??!?!