Queen Photo Blog Template

Queen is a portfolio blogger template created by Dzignine. Its a 3 column theme which has a clean layout, minimalist design and requires the new blogger interface to function properly.
Queen Photo Blog Template
The blog title will show up on the left and the search box on the right, to display the search box you have to insert the following code in the Search gadget from Design-Page Elements.

<form id="searchform" action="/search"
style="display:inline;" method="get">
<input id="s" name="s" value="looking for something?"
<input id="searchsubmit" value="Go" type="submit"/>
You can change the text marked in bold to search the blog or anything else. Moving on to the main column, for the images to display on the home page, each post should have at least an image of minimum width 740px, and the height will adjust automatically. The template has lightbox effect integrated, which you can enable from Settings--Post comments section.

You can change the font, text color, background, etc via template designer. Queen blogger template also includes a 3 column footer section to add different blogger widgets.

Download Queen Photo Blogger Template