Introducing: Super Duper's "What Does Miss Bee See?" App!

It's that time again!  My Super Duper Summer App Review Series!!  This time, an app that works on "what" questions and inferencing combined!  Introducing: What Does Miss Bee See?

As you can tell, I love their apps!  Like all of their apps, you can use with multiple users, select which cards to use, collect data and email it to yourself to save for later!

If you have not read my previous app reviews, you move from card to card by dragging the cards to the right.  To switch users, drag the tab on top with the student's name.

This app requires students to study pictures to guess what "Miss Bee" is looking at.

Things I like about this app:
-Elicits conversation
-Motivating pictures
-Addresses question and inferencing skills
-Easy to use
-Great for collecting data and progress monitoring
-Great for groups of students with multiple goals

Things to change or include in updates:
-Would love for students to see a correct responses

Like all of Super Duper's apps, this app is only $1.99.  I find using visuals to teach students how to infer is important.  I created a visual guide using my Custom Boards app which you can grab here!  Please comment if you download!

To learn more about this app and others, check out Super Duper's website here!