Introducing: Articulation Station Pro!

I was fortunate to be provided with a copy of Articulation Station Pro from Little Bee Speech to try out and review for you!  Just note the opinions are all mine!

This app is filled with activities for each level of sounds.  It is recommended to use this app once students have mastered these sounds in isolation, syllable, and basic CVC levels.
The developers made sure you can modify this app for your student(s) needs.  You can turn off sounds, make a mastery level, and even hide the scoring buttons.  Click the wrench to adjust!  You can even use this app up to a group of 6!

When you click a sound, you are prompted to select either word, sentence, or story levels.

Word Level:  There are 2 activities in this level.  Flashcards and matching.  Students say the sounds and then score themselves.  You can record their productions and play it back for them to self-correct!

I recommend starting with flashcards, then moving to matching.  Matching turns drilling into a motivating game without having to print cards and laminating!

Sentence Level: You have to options, rotate or unique.  It is recommended to start with rotate.  It makes for great drilling practice and good for nonreaders.  You can read the sentence and have them say it back. 
Here is a view of the rotating option:

This is a view of the unique option:
Story level:  This has 2 levels.  Level 1 is great for nonreaders.  You can read the story and students can use the pictures to retell the story.  Both levels has comprehension questions at the end to also work on comprehension.
level 1

level 2

questions from level 1
Last but not least, data collection!  We love this feature as SLPs!  You can save the scores, email it to yourself immediately or wait until later!  I personally love the detailed report.  It helps you remember the exact activity completed, score, and percentage.  This is great when you have a busy day of back-to-back sessions and hard to remember each one specifically!
Things I like about this app:
  • The various levels and options for every sound
  • Ability to record productions
  • Data collection and ability to save and email
  • Motivating pictures and stories
  • Easy to use and figure out
  • Ability to change settings to individualize activities
I created a cute visual to use with this app.  It is important for students to understand where their sound is in a word.  This will help with using strategies for correct production.  Grab your copy here!  I used the bee theme to go with the app!

Want to learn more about this app?  Visit iTunes.  I know it is pricey, so you can try out the free version here!  Also, Jenna over at Speech Room News is hosting a giveaway of this great app!  Check it out here!