Data data data!

I have been asked: "how do I collect and keep my data?"  Data collection can cause SLPs tons of stress!  There are tons of ways to collect data and it takes time to figure out what works best.  What works well with one group may not work with another due to many factors such as behavior.
I have previously posted about my data binder.  You can go see it here!

One common question: "when do you collect the data?"  One thing I hate to do is take away from being involved in the session in order to take notes.  It can be extremely difficult to do both at the same time.  Here are some tricks that I find useful:

-Play games: by keeping a score on a dry erase board, you can write down the results later on.  You can design the games like jeopardy, so each student would get 10 questions.  Later on, you can look back at your scoreboard and if you see only 4 numbers, they got 4/10.  I don't like to not reward students for trying.  I often give students 1/2 of the amount!  This way they got some points, but it also helps me remember they tried but was unable to achieve goal in mind!

-Use apps that collect data!  So many have this feature!  I personally recommend the Super Duper apps since it allows quick and easy data collection for groups and you can email it to yourself and save it for later.

-Save time at the end for quick drilling: I hate spending the whole session drilling.  There needs to be time for introduction, instruction and practice.  Before students collect their homework, day's reinforcer, etc. have them quickly go around and answer 5-10 questions/artic words and jot it down.  I sometimes pair it with giving out puzzle pieces or BINGO chips to help remember the results without writing anything down! 

-Post it notes: I always have a pile out on my desk at all times.  It makes it easy to just grab and write nice and small.  Sometimes it is nice for students not to see what you are writing!

-Exit slips: For students that can write this is a quick and easy way to collect data.  Take a quick worksheet or blank piece of paper and have students answer quick questions before leaving the room.  You can score it later and use that as data to check for understanding.

-Paper clips in a pocket: This idea works best for individual sessions.  This works great for collecting data on behavior such as social skills.  Hoping for 10 trials, put 10 paper clips (or any other small object) in a pocket.  Each time the behavior is achieved, or negative behavior achieved for that matter, move a clip from one pocket to the other.  At the end of the session, count the clips in each pocket to see how many times achieved.  This is a great way to ask teachers to measure speech sounds while in the classroom and not have the student know to assess carryover.  Multiple students?  Use different sizes of paper clips to differentiate!  Measuring a behavior in time span?  After each time, move a clip if achieved, don't if not.

-Smile/Sad face: I use this when I want students to self monitor.  I will draw  circles next to articulation pictures or vocabulary words.  Students will fill in the circles with a smile (correct) or sad (incorrect) face to tell how they did.  This helps elicit a discussion.  Once complete, I will tally the results in my data book.  If I have to hold onto the worksheets and give them back later I will!

There are tons more ideas but these are ones I use most!  What have you tried that works well too?!  Please share!!!  Comment below or email me!