iBook – Ranching and Reading – for Reading Comprehension Test Practice

I was contacted by eSkillsLearning to try their first iBook!  It only runs through the iPad using your iBook app.  That's a free app if you do not have it yet.  There are many publishers producing materials for educators and here is one!

This app comes in various chapters which target different reading levels.  You can have your students read aloud or read it to your students.
All the stories deal with reading challenges and accomplishments.  It has fiction and nonfiction chapters to teach your students the difference. 
The topics elicit great conversation!  Can your students relate or compare?  Can you generate a Venn Diagram?!  Can your students recall beginning, middle, and end?!  I love the short chapters that make it easy to stop and discuss.

At the end of each chapter, students are prompted to respond to various question types.  Some test vocabulary, recall, and comprehension.  The target the various Blooms levels which is great.

At the end of each quiz, you are provided with a prompt to email the results.  I chose to email them to myself!  A quick and easy way to store data!  How did your student do?  What types of questions did they struggle with most?  You can work on those skills and strategies for working on the next chapter.

Things I like about this product:
-Relatable and interesting topics
-Elicits conversation
-Easy to target comprehension goals: vocabulary, comparing, main idea, inferencing, sequencing, characterization, story elements, predicting, and more!
-Easy way to assess and email score reports
-Targets different reading levels

Things I would like to see in an update or future product:
-Ways to work with numerous students at once
-A way to target one comprehension skill at a time

Overall, I think this product is a great addition to the others producted by eSkills Learning.  Although a little high in price, $5.99, it is one for all to look into.  I cannot wait to see what else they have in store in the future! 

Want to learn more?  eSkills Learning website iTunes