Data Collection Book

I have been working hard to find the best way to keep my data forms in one place and all necessary information.  With budget cuts, and teachers being rated, it is very important to keep data to justify what we do.  I have found numerous forms and have created some myself as well to keep together in a data binder.  This way if someone questions my rationales, I have it all together and can easily grab and go.

I got a large binder from Staples that has a sleeve on the front.  That's where I keep my caseload schedule.  I always make sure to date the bottom of my schedules because it changes so frequently.  I keep the older versions behind it just in case if I have to reference it.

I typically use Excel to create my schedules since it is nice to have the cells ready made and can easily copy and paste groups of cells if necessary.

Inside this binder, I have dividers for each student.  I bought the Post-It divider tabs from Staples which I found was a quick and cheap method.  It also takes up less space in binder.

I placed the divider onto an "IEP Cheat Sheet."  I cannot take credit for this!!  Go to Ms. Rachel's Room to grab your copy! here!  Thank you Ms. Rachel for this great resource!!  It is a great way to have the students' classification, meds, glasses, accommodations, and modifications all in one place.  It also provides an area to put their related services and mandates.

I photocopied this page double sided and one the opposite page I made a form to log parent/guardian communication.  I am always wishing I logged down parent phone calls, memos, and whether or not they have shown for a conference.Grab a copy here!  On the other page I just printed out a copy of the speech goals from the IEP.

Finally, I have created a data collection form which I can use to log what goal was address, the activity used to address the goal, and at least 10 trials of data collection.  I tried to fit as many sessions on one sheet to save paper and I printed it double sided.  Grab a copy here!

This is what has worked for me!  What about you?!  I would love to hear!!