Spring Associations Activities

Many of my students are working on building vocabulary.  They have difficulty with categorization, association, etc.  Since spring is here, I decided to create an activity to go with the theme.  Introducing...Spring Associations!

To introduce the concept, I used index cards and glued on my Boardmaker pictures to create flash cards.  I used a sentence strip to display" ___ goes with ___."  I introduced all with the sentence strip and then I gave students two choices and showed them a picture: "Which goes with __?"  This helped reinforce and provided repetition of vocabulary and concept.  We played memory games to make it fun as well, "can you find a go together match?"  When they found a "match" they had to use their sentence strip to explain and share with the group. 

As a review, the students got to Color By Associations!  Once they verbally expressed (or selected from a choice) the object that went with the word on the coloring sheet, they were able to color the picture.  For higher functioning students, they were able to transfer the activity using the coloring page and name things that together with the items on the page.

We had so much fun!!!  Hope you can too with this activity!  Feel free to comment!