Lightroom Photo Blog Template

Lightroom is a lovely photography blog template created by Dzignine. Its a 2 column template that displays photos in gallery format on the home page and sidebar on the left. Lightroom is available in two styles basic and advanced, lets take a look at some of the features.
Lightroom advanced Photo Blog Template
In the basic version only one image of 740x740 appears on the home page while in the advanced style the entire photo gallery loads. The theme has a switchable background which is easy to change via template designer (in old Blogger interface) or 'Customize' (in new Blogger interface) then locate the 'background' tab. Select a background from blogger's default list or upload your own.
Lightroom basic Photo Blog Template

Change blog font colours etc. from Template Designer, although the theme comes with an attractive font - Times New Roman - which enhances the overall look of the blog. In order to insert your own blog logo in the header, go to Layout or Page Elements, click on edit 'Header' and upload your file.

The menu bar appears below the logo in the left sidebar along with blogger widgets like Popular Posts, Archives, Categories. Currently, the blog is aligned to the left, you can center align it by adding the below code after #outer-wrapper { from Edit Html.

Margin:0 auto;

The post pages include social bookmarking buttons and a neat comment form.

Download the Lightroom Photo Blogger template