Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City are two of the best super hero games of all time. Another sequel was a foregone conclusion, but we didn't know when until now. The next Arkham game has been confirmed for 2013 by Time Warner's CFO/CAO John K. Martin in an investor call last week.

What it will be called is a bit of a mystery. Gamechup reports that Warner have registered a variety of Batman and Arkham related domain names, which hint at Batman: Arkham Universe, Arkham Legend, Arkham Stories or Arkham Night.
They have also registered Arkham Dark Knight, Begins and Arises, but using titles that so closely follow the Christpher Nolan movie trilogy seems unlikely to me.

What it will be called is a bit of a mystery. Gamechup reports that Warner have registered a variety of Batman and Arkham related domain names, which hint at Batman: Arkham Universe, Arkham Legend, Arkham Stories or Arkham Night.
They have also registered Arkham Dark Knight, Begins and Arises, but using titles that so closely follow the Christpher Nolan movie trilogy seems unlikely to me.