Introducing: Articulation Games!

Virtual Speech Center has done it again!  They developed a brand new app that addresses articulation.  Introducing, Articulation Games!  (click that link to view their YouTube video about the app!
 They used a candy theme (is that motivating enough?!?)!  This app was easy to navigate and use.  It follows similar styles/format as their other apps, Verbs NEWS and Multiple Meanings Library.  Here is a view of the settings you can alter to your needs for your students:

 Sound effects can be distracting so you may want to turn them off.  I like to display the text to help with confusing pictures and it is great for sound-letter correlation practice.  Now it is time to add students!

You can add multiple students and work with several at a time.  You can set different sound targets for each student!  The app also recalls the sounds you select which saves time for future use.  Look at all these sounds!!
Now it is time to select which activity to use.  I like to go in order since they range from basic to more involved.

Flashcards:  You can select what position and level:

Students are shown pictures (and text if you clicked that option on).  They can hit the blue "play" button next to the text to get an audio model of the flashcard.  Students can score themselves or you can mark it for them.  Mark how they perform saying the word with their target sound.  You can also record their productions and play it back for them!  Great for self monitoring and correcting.  You can compare their production with the audio model on the app!  So many ways you can use this.  When you are ready to switch users, all you have to do is click the arrow next to the user name on the top.  If you are working on multiple sounds and are ready to switch sounds, click the arrow next to the target label (red tab).  Whenever you feel necessary, run out of time, or used all 20 flashcards, you can click finish to get a score report.
Memory Game:  This activity is just like any memory matching game.  You select the target sound, level and complexity level.  Students play against themselves trying to find matches.  As they click a spot, they are brought to this:
 They are provided with an opportunity to say their target, score themselves, record and listen, and get an audio model of sound.  TONS of sound bombardment!!  Once completed with this, you may click the blue "X" in the corner to bring them back to the game board.
 Ready to switch users?  Just click the arrow next to the name tab.
Once you click finish, again you are brought to a score reporting page.

Artic Wheel:  Once again, you can select the various students, target sounds, sound placement and level.  This cute dog graphic helps you out!  He points to where you need to click to set up!
Once clicked, you can touch the wheel!  Just like Wheel of Fortune (LOL).  The wheel selects which picture/target will be presented.  Again, students can hear an audio model, self monitor by recording and playing back and rating themselves or you can mark how they did with the "check" and "x."  The wheel is just fun!
Sweet Spinner:  Again,  you select the student, target sound(s), placement and level.  Students touch the lever to spin the spinner.  This then brings them to their picture/text cue.  Again, in this activity you can use the audio model, record productions, and score their productions.  Can easily switch users and targets by just tapping the appropriate arrows.  Click finish once ready and you are presented with a score report.
Can't write down the data/scores right away?  Are you like me and your school does not have Wifi and cannot email the scores right away?  No worries!!  This app saves the scores under "reports" in the home page!!  Great for viewing later, checking past performance before playing again, and planning for future sessions.
Things I like about this app:
  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Cute theme and graphics
  • Motivating games and activities
  • Multi-user and can work on multiple target sounds at once
  • Score reporting and saves it on the app
  • Easy to email score reports
  • Audio model of sounds and ability to record sound productions right on app (no need to take out your own recorder device)
  • bombardment of target sound opportunities
  • Great pictures used for flashcards
  • Can easily switch while using an activity to another level if student is successful or unsuccessful
Things I would like to see in an update:
  • Opportunity to practice sound in isolation
  • More CVC words
  • Setting to switch from one user to next automatically after each picture cue card
  • Conversation cards to work on conversational level
  • way to generate homework practice lists from incorrect responses
Overall, I think this application is great!  The developers truly understand what an SLP is looking for!  Check it out!!  You won't regret it!