Conversation Builder App Review & Giveaway

The generous folks over at Mobile Education Tools provided me with a code to review and 5 codes to giveaway for Conversation Builder!
This app is great when working with students with pragmatic/social skills goals.  You can also use with students with wh- questions and expanding utterance length goals as well!
You can input student information yourself or have them do it with you.  This enables collecting data and personalizing settings for each student.

As you can see, you can select if the student, computer/peer or random initiates the conversation.  This teaches students how to start or continue a conversation.  You can use this app in individual sessions or with a group.

The above 2 pictures show when the student starts the conversation.  They are shown a picture and given a verbal cue.  They are prompted if incorrect and guided towards the correct response.  It is important for them to understand they should start with a question.
The above photo shows if the a peer/computer is starting the conversation.  They are prompted with a statement from someone in or about the photo and a cue.  Again, if incorrect they are prompted for assistance.

Once students select their response, they can record themselves saying the statements.  This helps with role playing.
They will then receive a follow up photo and statement to help continue conversation.  You can select in settings if it is a 4 turn or 8 turn conversation.  It is a great idea to start small and work up.  Once the conversation is complete, students can hear the entire conversation, you can save/email data, and/or move onto a new conversation.
If you click "archives" on the bottom you will be brought to this page:
Here you can find old conversations.  This is great for data analyzing, if you forgot to email you can view the conversations here, and plan for future sessions.  You can also monitor to determine which strategies you must teach.

If you click "achievements" you are brought to this for each student:
This helps to recall which conversations you have completed with each student. 

Things I like about this app:
  • Individualized options
  • Data collection and email features
  • Recording feature for role playing
  • Fun way to teach a difficult skill
  • Functional photos to elicit realistic conversations
  • Easy to use and navigate
Things I would like to see in future updates:
  • Options for nonreaders
  • Fun graphics for correct responses
  • Ways to email conversation video to show parents
Overall, I think this app is great and I am so excited to over 5 codes in a giveaway!  The developers stated that they are doing updates and are excited to share them.  If you win or purchase the app now, you will automatically receive the updates.  This will be a quick giveaway since the codes expire soon!  To learn more about this app visit iTunes!

a Rafflecopter giveaway