Introducing: Zorten's Preposition Pets!

From the developers that brought you the token board app, here is Preposition Pets!! 
You can use this game with up to four players.  I recommend if you are using it in an individual session to play against your student to help move the game along!  It also helps it become more motivating!  You students can select the character they want to be: rabbit, mouse, cat, and pig.  You can select the size of the game board and theme from a choice of four.

You can select the prepositions to work on or just use all!
This page is brought up for before starting every game.  This way you can't say "oh man I forgot to select my vocabulary!" 

Settings options:
This game is like memory.  Students must tap to flip the cards.  Want a delay before the card turns to allow question prompts?  Increase the time!  Want sounds with each tap and move?  Sounds too distracting?  You can choose to have sounds or without.  Voice?  When the cards are flipped, a voice output is presented with a description of the card.  This can be good to provide models.  Want auditory bombardment?  This feature is great.  Want your student(s) to say it independently, turn it off!  Do you want to remove the words for your readers to see if they can label the preposition independently?  Turn card text off!

Now time to play!  Here are screen shots of a 4x4, 4x5 and 5x6 boards!

Like I previously mentioned, this is a memory game.  Students must match the preposition pictures with a pet/animal theme.  Students take turns (their animal is a larger square if it is their turn).  If they get a match, they are rewarded with an extra turn!  They keep playing until all matches are found!

Things I like about this app:
-Bombardment of target skill
-Motivating graphics
-Game feature that is easy to play and familiar
-Can play with groups of students
-Can alter settings to your liking and needs

Things I would change or would like to see in an update:
-Some students have trouble with memory!  4x4 could take forever!  Would like to see a smaller board option.
-There is no way to keep data, it is a game that elicits the verbal responses
-I work with groups of 5!  I would like to see a 5th character so I can use with all groups.
-I would like to see a preview/drilling feature or quiz at the end such as showing all cards and therapist can score student responses.

This app will be a great addition to my apps for speech therapy!  I cannot wait to use this with students next school year! 

What other goals can you work on?
-Responding to where questions
-Building vocabulary
-Expanding utterance length
-Turn taking

Want to learn more information?  For only $1.99 so reasonable!  Check it out at iTunes!