I can honestly say, the prep for this activity took about 10 minutes. NO JOKE! I grabbed my Popsicle sticks and wrote five terms for each sport: soccer, basketball, baseball, and football. Some terms I used included: mitt, touchdown, hoop, jersey, helmet, and slam dunk. I wrote on five sticks "Get Another! BONUS!" Then I added my fun new sports puff stickers!
I took out an index card and markers, same colors as those I used for my Popsicle sticks. I created a visual to represent the directions for this game. I laminated the index card just for safe keeping!
Now it is time to play! That was it! Students one at a time can pick a stick. For each stick they take, they must use the visual so they know what is expected of them for that word on stick. In order to "keep" the stick, they must accurately define, use in a sentence, draw, or name the category it belongs in. Whoever has the most at the end, wins!
Once the game was completed, we used all the terms discussed and used our EET strategies to expand our definitions of them. We used the mini dry erase boards to work together to sort all the words. Here are some examples of what we did!